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Discovering your Success

Welcome back again, You have finished self discovery and professional self canvas in our last two posts. You have clear vision of your ideal future. You know which are the core principles which drive your choices. You are aware of perfect working day for you.

Remember that discovering your professional self canvas is not the final one. Look at this canvas time to time and adapt it to your changes and new ideas. Your professional self is the work in progress on paper and in real life. This is only one step in flashing light on your professional growth.

Now lets move on to the next one. Find out the list of activities  which fits the job description on the current market. Think of job available in your city and your country first. But don't forget about the region or the globe. Use the canvas to write down the job title that best describes your profession.

In case you can't think of a job description from the current market, don't panic. You are not the only one who has imagined a job which is not available in the market. However, try to find out industries or fields of work that are closest to what you have described. Write them down in lower part of your canvas. 

According to international labor organisation, market today need to provide job to 40 million additional people every year. The same report reveals a shift in the standard employment model where workers earn salaries and wages, have stable jobs and work full time. In advance economies the standard employment model is less and less dominant. Informal employment continues to be common in many countries.

The second crucial step in your professional development is discovering, understanding and researching what is out there. What kinds of jobs for labor patterns are out there. Likely many institutions provide us useful report and information from every corner of the world. Not all of them are reader friendly for young people like you. But please take time and patience to understand at least a part of them. 

For example have a look at following graph

It provides estimates of age and sex dis-aggregated job gaps in the world as a whole and six different geographic regions.

What do you read out of it?

Well it clearly shows that nearly 73% of the job gaps in 2014 due to a short fall in employment among women, primarily adult women. A closer look reveals that the job gaps in the developed economies or European Union regions are far more severe than in eager and pacific.

So you see your current location age and gender affect the potential of the career success. Many other such reports will allow you to understand the market you are entering. In order to support you on that quest there is a tool designed for you which is called career navigator. Make sure to click on take career navigator test and follow the steps.

After completion of test, as a result you will find out the top three career clusters that best match your interests and charactersticks. 

If you have any doubt about your choices remember what Sir Albert Einstein Said "The Intuitive mind is the sacred gift, The rational mind is a faithful servant". Rely on your guts.

What are the top three career clusters that best match your interests and charactersticks? Tell us in comments.

You can also post the links for more references in comments.

If you wants to write any post related to the career counseling please let me know along with your small bio data and Email_Id. in comments.

Comment below to give ideas and suggestions.

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Have a nice day..............


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