Welcome Back, In my last post we have discussed about self discovery.
Today we discuss about discovering your professional self and develop professional skills.
Today we discuss about discovering your professional self and develop professional skills.
Knowing about yourself is pretty interesting isn't it. In addition to your self discovery your professional self discovery is also very important. Discovering your personal self answers you the following question:
- What do I do well?
- What do I want to do?
While discovering your professional self gives you answer to a more important question that, what can I be paid for?
We start with understanding the progress of the world. Where it was, where it is and where it will be.
The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production.
Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, the digital revolution that has been occurring since the middle of the last century. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. This Forth Industrial Revolution is interacting with many social, economic and democratic factors. which create a perfect storm of business model change across the world.
The world is about to see major changes in the labor market. The new categories of jobs are emerging. The skill set required for both new and old occupations will change and transform how and where people work.
Have you ever heard of a Digital Farmer farming from an AC cabin using automated equipment. The face of agriculture has changed: tractors and combines are highly automated and crammed with a vast array of sensors. And already, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and even orbital satellites are becoming indispensable.
The delivery of highly detailed field observations straight to a farmer’s tablet or computer will soon become a standard in agriculture. Besides all this, nothing will make sense unless you discover your professional self first.
In this blog you will be able to work on the core elements of your career by using a tool called my professional self canvas.
To fill up this canvas you have to focus on ideal vision of your future. This vision includes Wishes, Principles and Priority. If you do not have a clear vision of your future. It is recommended to ask yourself a few questions:
-How do I imagine myself at the age of 50?
-What is the first thing I look at when I wake up?
-Where do I live?
-Where do I go to work?
The answers to these questions will help you to define with some clarity, what your expectations are in terms of family, Friends, professional achievements and Lifestyle.
Make three tables as shown below on a paper and fill them up accordingly.
Sample tables for guidance is given below
Hope the example will help you fill up your own tables. but if you find any problem, you can ask for help in comments below.
You might find out that some of the actions you have taken in past are not fully aligned with your core principles of today but that is definitely nothing to worry about.
Your professional self means to have awareness and clarity of all your actions and how they are tied to each other. Believe that it will all make the sense at the end.
The last part of canvas is merging your ideas with your reality. That is the table given below:
# refers to priority in this table
What core elements of discovering your professional self is capturing your ideal day in professional terms. Write down all the things you love doing in one day. Take into consideration the ideal vision of the future connected to the present and fill in an agenda of a perfect day that is ideal and also realistic.
Yes please be realistic. Don't forget to include sleeping, eating meeting friends and family and make sure you don't go over the limit of 24 hours.
Give most time to the activity with a principle of first priority and so on. Take time to fill the canvas.
What principle is at your first second and third priority and what major activities you perform in daily routine for those principles. Tell us in comments.
You can also post the links for more references in comments.
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